September 9, 2021 Luncheon: “How to Live Courageously Catholic!” with Francisco (Paco) Gavrilides STL

Thursday, September 9, 2021 │11:30 am – 1:00 pm (the luncheon is being held one week later due to Labor Day weekend)
Registration table and luncheon buffet open at 11:30 am

The City Club of Cleveland | 850 Euclid Ave | Cleveland, OH 44114
The City Club requires all guests to wear a mask as of August 4th. The health and safety of event attendees is our priority. Any local or venue COVID-related protocols in place at the time of the event will be enforced. Your flexibility with regard to this evolving health crisis is appreciated.

Francisco (Paco) Gavrilides STL
“How to live courageously Catholic!”

Since the time of his conversion to Catholicism in 1968, Paco Gavrilides has dedicated his life to serving Christ in the Church with a passion to share the Gospel. As a teacher, speaker, and evangelist, Paco has worked with many dioceses, movements, and individuals both nationally and internationally.  He has been especially active in leadership formation, men’s ministry, family ministry, and evangelization among Hispanics and African Americans. Paco is currently serving as Homiletics Instructor at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, Michigan, a post he has held since 2011. He received the equivalent of the STB at the Archdiocesan Seminary in Monterrey, Mexico, and completed his Licentiate Degree in the New Evangelization at Sacred Heart.

Paco’s activities and ministerial experiences includes: For more than twenty years (1974-1995), he was involved in lay missionary work, helping to form small ecclesial communities throughout Latin America, Spain and the United States. For ten years (2002-2012) he was Coordinator and Emcee for the Detroit Archdiocesan-wide Catholic Men’s Conferences, a work of preaching, teaching and counseling that involved local, national and international men’s ministry. For six years (2006-2012) he served in the Detroit Archdiocese Office for Evangelization. He is co-founder of New Leaven (2009), a ministry of discipleship and transformation to individuals and couples seeking a deeper maturation in Christ. He has actively collaborated with the mission work of Renewal Ministries, an outreach dedicated to evangelization and spiritual renewal in the Catholic Church, nationally and internationally. He has been active in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and evangelistic outreach to university students with particular emphasis on African-Americans and Hispanics.

As a frequent conference speaker, with bilingual skills in English and Spanish, Paco gives retreats and missions on faith and conversion, spiritual growth and prayer, and spiritual leadership and family life. With his wife, Inez, he gives retreats and workshops for married couples. Paco and Inez have three children and reside in Ypsilanti, Michigan.

$35.00/per ticket or $175.00/Table of Six

Register Now

All attendees must register in advance and reservations must be received by noon on 9/3/21. If you reserve and are unable to attend, please call the office to cancel by noon 9/3/21 to avoid a charge for the event.